Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cocktail Service


The proper and safest method of serving a beverage from a cocktail tray is to hold the tray on the fingertips of the left hand, standing witht the body's right side to the table.  While keeping the tray evenly balanced, one glass is removed from the tray with the right hand.  The server steps in toward the table with the right foot, with the right knee bent, and sets the glass in its proper place.  The server must be especially careful during this operation, as there is a natural tendency when reaching in tward the table with the right hand to lower the left hand.  This can tip the beverage tray and spill the rest of the glasses.
Cocktail napkins should be used only when the drink is to be placed on a hard surface.  The cocktail napkin is intended to absorb moisture, which could drip on the member, and to cushion the hard surface of the plate from the hard base of the glass.  When drinks are served on a tablecloth, napkins are not used.  Before serving the first course, the cocktail is moved to the right of the first service glass, and the cocktail napkin and any used garnishes should be removed.  The member may want another cocktail before dinner.  The server should be aware of the timing of the meal when serving another beverage. 
In serving second cocktails before the member has finished their first, the second is placed to the member's right, near the top of the knife.  The glasses should never be "married," as the first glass may contain nothing but melted ice.  The member may indicate that the glass may be removed, and if appears empty, offer to remove it.

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